уторак, 19. фебруар 2019.

Intimna turneja “Conversations” Nicka Cavea stiže u Evropu

Sretnici koji se “dokopaju” ulaznica imaće priliku od ikone Bad Seedsa dobiti odgovore na odabrana pitanja i slušati neke od njegovih najvećih hitova koje će izvesti na klaviru.

“Smatrao sam da bi direktan razgovor s publikom mogao biti značajan”, izjavio je Nick Cave o motivaciji iza njegove intimne turneje “Conversations,” koja nakon rasprodanih datuma u Australiji i Novom Zelandu stiže u Evropu.

Na turneji koju je Cave opisao kao “vežbu za povezivanje”, obožavatelji imaju priliku od ikone Bad Seedsa dobiti odgovore na odabrana pitanja, a Cave će takođe na klaviru zasvirati neke od svojih najpoznatijih pesama. Turneja započinje 13. maja u Hamburgu, a završava 28. juna u Brightonu.

 Uz turneju “Conversations”, Cave putem svoje web stranice “The Red Hand Files” redovno odgovara na pitanja obožavaoca, a nedavno je 10-godišnjem obožavaocu dao dirljiv odgovor na pitanje: “Niko od mojih prijatelja ne sluša ništa cool, zanimljivo niti prekrasno. Kako će vaša muzika tako rano u mom životu uticati na mene, imate li za mene neki savet?”.

Cave je u inspirativnom odgovoru dečaku poručio da je slušanje Bad Seedsa u njegovim godinama jednako posedovanju “tajnog znanja” te mu otkrio da je i on sam u njegovim godinama posedovao “tajno znanje” zahvaljujući svom starijem bratu Timu koji je slušao “čundu” miziku te mu prenio to znanje. Cave je dodao da je ta muzika bila “tajna koju je nosio unutar sebe”, “posebno znanje o svetu” koje niko od njegovih prijatelja nije posedovao.

Sigurni smo da je Ptolomeyja Caveov odgovor obradovao, a pismo u celosti možete pročitati u nastavku. 

"Dear Ptolemy,

I think I may have already answered your question at the In Conversations in Hobart – if you’re the little blonde kid, who was sitting on the right side of the hall. I can’t remember exactly what I replied, but I thought more about the question after the show, and I remember wishing I had answered it better.

Perhaps, this is what I should have said. Listening to Bad Seeds music at your age is like having a secret knowledge. When I was about your age I had a secret knowledge too. My eldest brother, Tim, used to listen to a lot of very strange and obscure music and he passed this knowledge on to me. Back then I lived in a rural city in Victoria and it seemed to me that nobody my age listened to the music my brother played to me. As far as I could tell they all listened to a whole lot of shit. It was like I carried a secret around inside me, a special knowledge about the world that my friends didn’t have. It was a secret power. I carried this secret power with me all through my kid-years until I went to a school in Melbourne, where I met three or four other people who also had this special knowledge – this secret power. These people became my best friends and we went on to form a band and tried, in our way, to take this knowledge and pass it on to the world.

This secret knowledge you have is a strength that lives only inside certain people. It is a strength that will inspire you to do wondrous things – like write stories, or draw pictures, or build rockets that fly to Mars. It will give you the courage to take on anything that the world might put in front of you. It’s a wild power that can be of untold value to the world. Your name, Ptolemy, is a warrior’s name. A boy full of inspiration with a warrior’s name! The world is waiting for you. Blow ‘em away, kid.

Love, Nick"


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